Thursday, January 17, 2019

Pretty in Punxsutawney by Laurie Boyle Crompton

Image result for pretty in punxsutawney
Cover was copied from Goodreads! 
Helloooooo everybody!

This review is brought to you all by Netgalley! In return, I will be posting a fair and honest review. 

Thank you (many thanks!) to Netgalley for approving this title and allowing me another chance to redeem myself after the Netgalley fail of 2018. 

I’m going to start off this review be asking how many of you all have watched a John Hughes film. I hope that everyone is eagerly waving their hands in the air (or punching their fist in the air ala Bender in The Breakfast Club)

Pretty in Punxsutawney was inspired by Groundhog Day and the John Hughes’s film, Pretty in Pink.  Th book follows new girl, Andie as she navigates her first day of school. Every day of over 4 months!  As the reader, we can see how Andie navigates each and everyday in the hopes of breaking the spell that has been cast over her. 

Each day Andie learns different and new things about her classmates and she tries to use them to her advantage. Without them knowing that she knows.

Boyle- Crompton was able to easily pull me in with the opening! However, by the time I was at chapter 3, I was starting to lose steam in my positive feelings about this book. 

My problem with the book was that it was repetitive and redundant.  (Which makes sense when you factor in that Groundhog Day was a movie based on reliving the same day over and over and over again).

I felt like at one point, even the story gave us on itself because of how Andie was going out about her days.  

While it wasn't my favorite book, I must say that it did have a positive message at the end; that you need to be the best you. 

I would give this book 3.5 coffee beans.  

If you are interested in reading Pretty in Punxsutawney, the book is available now!

~ Jillian

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