Sunday, April 14, 2019

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan (Crazy Rich Asians) - Reshelved Books

What's that saying: April Showers bring book reviews??
No.  That's not the saying but it should be!

Behold: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan.
Image result for crazy rich asians book cover
Also copied from Amazon

Image result for crazy rich asians book cover
Copied from Amazon
Last weekend, me and MB got the chance to sit down and watch Crazy Rich Asians. At the time, he also pointed out that my blogger responsibilities have seriously been slacking (not in those words but you get the idea. He’s not wrong there, they have been slacking).

This was a movie that I knew I wanted to see, I just never got to it in the theater. I patiently waiting for it come out on DVD and for my library to acquire it. 

Shout out to MB for not only watching the movie with me BUT letting me break down the book and the movie. (I got to talk during the movie AND almost ruin it. haha)

I felt that in the beginning, the movie and the book almost mirrored each other. 
As time went on, they didn't mirror much anymore. Which makes sense, like with Ready Player One, if the movie was *exactly* like the book, it would be several hours long. 

Ready for this?  

I liked the movie so much more than I liked the book! Right before Araminta and Colin got married in the book, is where I stopped.  It became too confusing for me.  The perspectives from characters were changing, there were just too many characters to keep track of.  It wasn't neat and tidy, which for the most part is how I like the characters in a book to be.  Easy to follow always wins. 

I believe that this is why I liked the movie better!  The characters were easy to follow.  Every character from the book wasn't being represented in the movie.  I feel that characters from the book were merged together to create one character in the movie; combining traits from a lesser character in the book and adding them to a bigger character from the book for the movie. 

The ending of the book and the ending of the movie are SO DIFFERENT!!

I prefer the ending of the movie. I also think that movie Rachel and Nick are far less annoying than book Rachel and Nick.  I, however, find Astrid to be my favorite character and I'm rooting for her. 
I had major a love hate relationship with the book though. Let me tell you!  I stopped reading the book because I started to hate it (please refer to above for reasoning).  Having picked the book back up this week, the more I read, the more that I liked it again. 

Hands down, the movie gets 5 kernels out of 5. 
The book? Well, because I liked it enough to be sad it was over AND to want run out and get China Rich Girlfriend, I give the book 4 coffee beans out of 5.  

~ Jillian

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