Hi guys,
I'm excited to tell you about The Art of Falling in Love by Haleigh Wenger. Haleigh reach out to us and asked us if we would in interested in reviewing her debut novel The Art of Falling in Love, which will be released on August 13th by Literary Crush Publishing.
We asked to participate in the book tour for this release and we couldn't have been more excited! Part of the book tour involves a guest blog post that Haleigh wrote! You'll be able to find that here. As always, we were asked to read this book for an honest review.
First things first, the cover of this book is adorable! You will note that there is a sandcastle on the front of the cover. The sandcastle is somewhat the main focus of the book.
Claire is spending her summer in Florida like she does every year. Except is year is different because her Opa has passed away. Upon finding a filled registration form that he completed, for her to participate in a sand building contest.
Claire is an artist, yes but she does her art in the form of sketching. Sand is a new medium for her and it's taking her through uncharted territory.
Soon after finding out about the contest, Claire meets Foster. Claire doesn't know this right away but her and Foster are more alike than just sharing their love for art. They know what it's like to lose someone who's close to them. Foster lost his mother a couple years before. While
With the help of her new friend, Foster, Claire is determined to fulfill her Opa's wishes. When Foster's past and his present come to light, Claire learns that it's going to alter not only her present but their future.
Foster is homeless. He’s hiding from his older brother, Johnny and from CPS. Foster and Johnny have a complicated and virile relationship; one that drives Foster to stay away. (Who could blame him??)
Filled with many up and downs, the reader gets to see Claire learn to live this summer without her Opa. We also get to see the now challenging relationship Claire has with her sister, Livvy. Livvy is a few years younger than Claire but up until this summer, they had always gotten along.
That being said, Haleigh wrote a book dealt with realistic topics. Everyone at one time or another had lost someone close to them and had to navigate grieving. Anyone with who's close to someone, has siblings, etc; knows what it’s like to hit a rough patch and feel distant from them and like something has changed. Even homelessness is something that's ever present in today's society; individuals and families are struggling everyday. Even the topic of falling in love. Sometimes that becomes all consuming and the emotions that the reader saw Haleigh have toward Foster were relatable.
The way that The Art of Falling in Love ended, at least to me, felt like it too was realistic. Not every relationship is meant to last. Sometimes they hurt but you come out stronger in the end and you end up finding yourself.
The Art of Falling in Love gives you major feels and for that, I happily give this book 4 coffee beans out of 5. Why, you may ask? Well. I actually didn't like Claire's character! (I saw some of myself in Claire with how she felt toward Foster and I think that's what got to me. Mind you, this is me knowing what I know now at 29 and not what I knew at 18).
~ Jillian
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