I hope everyone is doing okay during this crazy crazy time.
I am here with a new review! *the crowd cheers*
Some of you may recall how I loved the first book in this series The Bromance Book Club.
WELL. LET ME TELL YOU. I loved this book as much as I did the first one.
Mack was the guy I wished I would have the luck of meeting and maybe dating...? Yes, I definitely think that I could see myself dating this literary guy.
Undercover Bromance introduces the reader to Braden "Mack" Mack, nightclub owner and founder of the Bromance Book Club and how he finds himself in love with a very unlikely person, Liv Papandreas.
While this book is part of a series, (it's the 2nd one) it's almost as if it could be a standalone. The book really didn't build on top of the other one. The characters are reoccurring and there are some new characters but for the most part everyone is the same.
If it's possible, I loved this book more than I did the first one (sorry to Gavin). I found Mack to be a more lovable and enduring character. I like how he had to court Liv. Just like the first one, I could NOT stand Liv in this one. I would like to think that that is whole point of her character, for you to be a little put off by her but still rooting for her.
Not only does this book discuss her building and budding relationship with Mack, but it also handles a pretty big topic of current events: workplace and sexual harassment. I thought that Adams did a good job to addressing the topic and how one must feel when they're placed in that horrible situation. Just like in the best book, I found myself laughing at a lot of the antics that Liv found herself involved in at the Farm.
If you're looking for a good book to read during day I can't even remember anymore of quarantine, I definitely think you should grab this one! It is available via Amazon but check to see if there's a copy available via Libby with your local library! It's a digital resource that you may have access too.
I wish everyone the best during this time and I want everyone to stay safe!
Happy reading,
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